Pro Purchase Credentials

Application Requirements

Thank you for your interest in the Black Diamond Pro Purchase Program. Please read through the following categories and criteria to help determine your eligibility, and the documentation required for application. Individual applicants will be asked to provide personal documentation (listed below) showing qualifications for the program. Verification of employment must be provided annually in most cases, along with other documentation as requested. Remember that you are not only trying to show your need for our gear to do your job but also that you will be a great marketing and public relations asset to our company and our retail dealers!

Group Accounts

Categories marked with an * below are required to be set up as “Group” accounts. This requires that we have one person who will act as the Coordinator/Administrator for the account. The coordinator will be responsible for submitting documentation, maintaining the account, and submitting rosters of qualified staff when requested. The group coordinator will also be responsible for helping prevent any abuse of the account and ensuring all participants adhere to the program guidelines. All orders should ship to the official group address provided by Coordinator/Administrator, unless otherwise authorized. If personal orders are permitted for qualified individuals, separate instructions will be provided to the Account Coordinator for them to submit applications, once we have received and uploaded a roster in our roster format.

Discounted Product

The product available for purchase at the professional discount price will be based on the job descriptions and documentation provided. Please provide a detailed explanation of the need for Black Diamond products in the “Additional Information” section of the application. Please let us know if additional documentation is going to be submitted separate from the online application. Most accounts will fall into one (or more) of the following product classifications which will limit the product purchased at discount, to those items. If approved you will be able to view the discounted price on gear that you have qualified for while shopping website (when you are logged in). Non discounted gear will be shown at standard retail price, and may be purchased at the same time as discounted product.

The basic account category classifications:

_ Standard / Standard Gym: Snow Safety, Tents, Poles, Gloves, Headlamps, Packs, Clothing and some Accessories. Some accounts may qualify for discounted pricing on some climbing gear (Standard Gym) such as Carabiners, Harnesses, Helmets and Crash Pads. No Technical Ski or Technical Climbing Gear provided at discounted pricing.
_ Rock: All Rock Climbing gear as well as the “Standard” gear from above.
_Alpine: Technical Climbing and Alpine/Ice gear (may qualify as “Mountaineering” which does not include rock protection, big wall, or technical ice climbing gear)
_ Ski or Ski Mountaineering: May qualify other related product such as the “Standard” line of gear.
_Mountaineering: Snow and low angle Ice gear as well as some rock gear. Includes the “Standard” line of gear.
_ Full Pro: Qualifies for discount on all BD Gear

Pro Purchase Application Categories/Required Documentation:

Individual Guides: Ski/Rock-Alpine Climbing/Mountaineering

  • Copy of Certification Card showing full “Rock, Alpine or Ski Mountaineering ” Guide status.
  • You will be approved for product lines needed to guide in that discipline only.
  • AMGA SPI/Rock Instructor and TRSM qualifications MAY be accepted with proof of current employment guiding in the relative discipline.
  • Aspirant status MAY be accepted with proof of employment in the discipline guiding.
Other Guide : Ski/Rock Climbing/Mountaineering (non AMGA/ACMG)
  • Resume
  • 2 Letters of Reference (1 client, 1 other guide)/ and or recommendations
  • Pay Stub if working for a reputable guide service or other documentation proving full time employment as a guide and experience.
  • Brochure, and link to website
  • Business Card

*Guide Service - Group Only (with multiple qualified guides)

  • Brochure, and link to website
  • Business Card
  • Copies of any applicable certifications or other documentation
  • Provide roster of qualified individuals with names and email addresses at time of application or upon approval.
  • See Group Account info above

*Ski Patrol - Group Only

  • NSP Certified Patrollers can qualify with either Paid or Volunteer status and will see that option when applying.
  • Patrollers without NSP certification: You must be a Full Time Paid patroller and apply under your patrol’s group account.
  • We must have a group account set up by the Patrol Director or acting Pro Coordinator
  • The Director or Coordinator can then submit a roster of qualified patrollers (patrollers do not need to submit individual documents) and will receive specific application instructions to share with the patrol.
  • Patrollers may ship to individual address.
  • See Group Account info above

PSIA Ski/Snowboard Instructor/Certified Coaches

  • Copy of Level II or III or Examiner certification card
  • Level I may be accepted with letter of reference from school director or proof of employment
  • Certified coaches must submit copies of certificates and proof of paid coaching status


*Outdoor Education/Educators/Institutions - Group Only


Eligible programs will have a strong emphasis on wilderness and outdoor leadership training, and should offer a substantial number of climbing, mountaineering and/or backcountry ski programs in order to qualify for that type of gear. Many programs without technical climbing programs may qualify at the Standard or Standard/Gym level. If your institution is in a taxable state (Taxable States: CA, GA, CO, ID, MN, NC, NY, UT, TN, VT, WA) please submit your state tax exempt certification with your application, and we will send you additional instructions once received. If you have further questions please call customer service.

  • Brochures, link to website, and other program related documents (schedules/course descriptions)
  • Statement describing the program’s needs for BD gear specifically
  • Copies of Certifications/Affiliations: (AORE/AMGA/ACA/WEA etc..)
  • Copies of Site Management Plan for climbing areas used for courses (when pertinent )
  • Copies of Risk Management plan (when pertinent )
  • Individual personal orders will be allowed for full time instructors/staff requiring our gear for their work
  • See Group Account info above

Avalanche Professional (not Ski Patrollers)

  • Pay Stub showing full time paid status
  • Business card and/or copy of certifications
  • Letter of explanation of duties

Military Unit/Government Employee (may apply under “Other” Group category)

  • Pay Stub showing full time paid status (Pay stub or LES)
  • Job description/information detailing need for BD gear
  • For climbing or ski gear: Letter from immediate supervisor stating need or other proof of need such as attachment to a Special Forces/Operations unit.
  • Official Govt Purchases in taxable states will need to place orders directly through our Govt. sales program. Email us at for more info ( Taxable States: CA, CO, ID, MN, NC, NY, UT, TN, VT, WA). All orders shipped to Canada will be taxed appropriately.
  • May apply as a “Group” under “Other” category for programs with multiple individuals that qualify (see Group Account info above)

*Search and Rescue - Group Only

  • Copies of Unit or Director/Group Coordinators SAR certifications, preferably NASAR/MSAR
  • Statement describing the program’s specific needs for BD gear
  • Letter from local law enforcement agency responsible for call-outs (Sheriff?), detailing the unit’s mission and specific need for high angle, ice and mountaineering, or ski gear if applicable.
  • Individual personal orders will be allowed for highly active members to buy gear for their training/missions.
  • See Group Account info above

Industry (manufacturers of outdoor gear)

  • To qualify the company must be a member of SIA or OIA and present booths at one of these shows annually
  • A group account in the company’s name must be created by the individual responsible for such deals.
  • A reciprocal deal of equal or greater value must be provided to Black Diamond Employees.
  • All orders must ship to the address on file for the company
  • Outside reps must provide adequate proof of employment in order to ship to individual addresses. A letter from the HR dept., copy of pay stub and business card are usually adequate (as will any full time employee that does not have an official
  • Company email address.

*Other – Group Only

Rafting companies, backcountry outfitters, licensed fly-fishing guides, and other relative professionals may apply for a limited (BDMS) purchase program. Submit an application and provide any relative supporting documents including detailed brochure and/or website. Military and Government employed individuals may apply as a group under this category to be treated as a group.